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Shoes for true connoisseurs. Shoes that have lasted 3 years, 2 months, 14 days and 16 hours with no signs of wear. A movie star with six Oscars. The legendary Nike Cortez Forrest Gump can now be found at Queens in men's and women's versions and in a wide range of colors.
Originally Blue Ribbon Sports, since 1971 Nike. After the rebranding, it was crucial to introduce a sneaker that would propel the new brand to the top among sports shoe manufacturers. And those sneakers were the Nike Cortez, the iconic leather shoes with the Swoosh logo on the side that appeared two years later. Today, many more variations can be found, including Nike Cortez models in Classic, Leather and Nylon.Suede: leather cut from the back, while the fibers remain on the surface, suede is less prone to damage than nubuck.
Rubber: a material that is very easy to maintain and you will appreciate it especially in rainy weather.
Blue Ribbon Sports was the original name of the company we know today as Nike. This sports footwear and apparel brand was renamed Nike in 1971, when it also introduced its famous logo - the Swoosh. The logo was designed by Carolyn Davidson, a student at the University of Portland, who was paid just two dollars an hour for her work (which would be about seven times that amount today).
Nike is best known for its innovative Air technology, which includes an air bubble in the sole. The first Nike models with this feature appeared on the market in 1987 under the name Nike Air Max 1. Their creator was Tinker Hatfield, who became an icon of sneaker culture. Today, Nike offers a wide selection of shoes with Air Max technology to ensure comfort and style.
Nike shoes today are a versatile choice for a variety of occasions and interests. Whether you're into sports, culture or fashion design, you'll find the right model for you among them. Nike clothing and shoes are not just sports, lifestyle or fashion, they are an expression of your personality and lifestyle. Nike is a brand that has become an icon and a symbol of quality, innovation and style in its half century of existence. Nike is a brand that is loved by millions of people around the world.